
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Serena's Final Project Proposal

Many parts of the world are highly reliant upon technology, so what do you do if you don’t have access to it? People who can’t access certain technologies are missing out on opportunities and information, which creates obstacles that more privileged people don’t have to face. Getting a job, communicating, and keeping up with important news all become difficult tasks.

My project will focus on this concept of living an analog life in a digital world.


  1. The digital divide is an important topic, certainly putting those without internet access in the U.S. at a grave disadvantage. In addition to the issues you mention, it makes it that much harder for many low income students to complete homework, and yet American's continue to pay higher rates than most of the 'developed' world because the government treats access like a luxury rather than a utility. This is a great topic.

  2. An interesting video related to this topic:


Wiech Final Project

For my final project, I want to explore the concept of "click bait". This is a term typically used to describe ads whose whole pur...