
Monday, April 23, 2018

Drew's Final Project Idea

For my final project I am focusing breach of privacy in our lives today.
My site is going to be a heating and cooling company that uses your GPS location to know which room you are in in your house to decide whether or not to heat or cool the room you are in. It is a creepy because the company knows your exact location in your house and they know when you are not in the house. I am thinking of making my company name I/C U(nit) with the I being an actual eye.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great idea - and will likely be a real product soon. Your site so far looks good. I think it would be worth making it a bit creepy. I think I mentioned animating the eye. Not sure if that would be too difficult.


Wiech Final Project

For my final project, I want to explore the concept of "click bait". This is a term typically used to describe ads whose whole pur...